Ranking: 4/5 Fake Targareyns
Favorite Quote: “Women do not forget. Women do not forgive.”
A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin is the most recent and fifth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series published in 2011. A Dance With Dragons runs simultaneously with the previous book, A Feast for Crows, and catches us up with Daenerys and Tyrion in the East and Jon Snow who is acting as Commander of the Night’s Watch at The Wall.
Going into this book I was a mix of excited and sad; excited to see the return of some of my favortite POVs but also sad that this would mean I was all caught up with the series and join the rest of the fans in waiting for the final two books to be released (some who have been waiting for 13 years). This book really dives into the troubles that some of the main characters are facing such as Daenerys and Jon who are struggling with the positions of power they have been pining for over the course of the series.
Standout POVs of course go to Daenerys and Jon who bring back the sense of magic and wonder we have been missing. Surprisingly I kind of liked Tyrion’s POVs in this book which was a shock since I had grown used to dreading his chapters. Perhaps him finally getting out of King’s Landing and being the one to unravel some Targaryen history was all he needed to become somewhat interesting to me.
Unfortunately this book also brought the return of Bran, who is without a doubt my least favorite POV to read. I know that some people say Bran is the magic in the series with his visions and the three-eyed crow but I wholeheartedly disagree. Every time a Bran chapter is up next I am instantly pulled out of the story and audibly sigh because his chapters and his character are some of the most boring things I have ever read. It is really interesting how I can go from being so invested and on the edge of my seat in one chapter to wanting to throw the book away in the next all in the same story.
Overall, A Dance With Dragons is great when it delivers on the magic, ice, fire and dragons we expect. Now only if the next two books would be released.